
Podcast 20 November, 2023    By - Denis Ring
Podcast – Digital Desperados Episode 1: Maksim Yakubets And The Importance Of Device-Level Security

Libsyn:https://sites.libsyn.com/488183/episode-1-the-life-criminal-activity-of-maksim-yakubets-aka-aqua YouTube:https://youtu.be/CAFIpGYhnhI Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3qfp2s-episode-1-the-life-and-criminal-activity-of-maksim-yakubets-aka-aqua.html   In a world where digital threats lurk behind every click, safeguarding your devices is not just a convenience—it’s a necessity. This is where the concept of ‘device-level security’ comes into play, offering a fortified shield for your personal and professional online interactions. Whether you’re a remote worker securing sensitive data […]

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Podcast 21 November, 2023    By - Denis Ring
Podcast – Digital Desperados 2: Securing Remote Work & Guarding Against Cyber Threats with Lessons from the Alexey Belan Breach

Libsyn:https://sites.libsyn.com/488183/episode-2-alexsey-belan-could-be-selling-your-information YouTube:https://youtu.be/GmIYvOWGX-w Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3qfx5s-episode-2-alexsey-belan-could-be-selling-your-information.html Hey there, Digital Defenders! 🛡️ As we navigate the waves of the web from our home offices, coffee shops, or even while lounging in our backyard hammocks, the importance of secure remote work cannot be overstated. Gone are the days when cybersecurity was a buzzword only the IT crowd tossed around—today, […]

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Podcast 22 November, 2023    By - Denis Ring
Podcast – Digital Desperados 3: VPN for Small Businesses and Shielding Your Ventures from Hackers Like Alberto Gonzalez

Libsyn:https://sites.libsyn.com/488183/episode-3-the-thrill-of-cybercrime-alberto-gonzalezs-digital-desperado-story YouTube:https://youtu.be/HeM_pxPeFvw Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3qg3em-episode-3-the-thrill-of-cybercrime-alberto-gonzalezs-digital-desperado-stor.html Welcome to the digital frontier, where the line between security and vulnerability can be as thin as a misplaced click or an unsecured connection. For the savvy entrepreneurs and the diligent dreamers running the backbone of our economy—small businesses—navigating this landscape is not just about staying connected; it’s about staying protected. […]

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Podcast 23 November, 2023    By - Denis Ring
Podcast – Digital Desperados 4 – Affordable VPN Services: Shielding Against Slavik-like Hackers in the Cyber Wild

Libsyn: https://sites.libsyn.com/488183/episode-4-game-over-zeus-slaviks-cybercrime-dark-tale YouTube: https://youtu.be/RbBthjIFMc0 Rumble: https://rumble.com/v3vrdag-episode-4-game-over-zeus-slaviks-cybercrime-dark-tale.html In today’s hyper-connected world, where threats lurk in every corner of the digital space, safeguarding your online presence is not just a choice but a necessity. Enter the realm of Affordable VPN Services—your digital shield against the onslaught of cyber threats. And when it comes to protecting your data […]

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Podcast 24 November, 2023    By - Denis Ring
Podcast – Digital Desperados 5: Securing the Digital Frontier: Innovative Cybersecurity Solutions with SaferNet VPN

Libsyn: https://sites.libsyn.com/488183/episode-5-mafia-boy-a-hacker-prodigys-redemption-story YouTube: https://youtu.be/H1KE855u8DU Rumble https://rumble.com/v3y8pf4-episode-5-mafia-boy-a-hacker-prodigys-redemption-story.html In today’s interconnected world, where digital threats lurk behind every click, the need for robust cybersecurity solutions has never been more pressing. Whether you’re a seasoned netizen or a newcomer to the digital landscape, the tales of cyber threats are as compelling as they are cautionary. That’s where we […]

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Podcast 27 November, 2023    By - Denis Ring
Podcast – Digital Desperados 6: Beyond the Stars with the Best VPN Service: The Saga of Solo, the NASA Hacker

Welcome to the digital frontier where the quest for cybersecurity never sleeps. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering about the mysteries lurking in the corners of the web or how to shield your digital life from prying eyes, you’re not alone. Here at Digital Desperados, we’re all about diving into the untold stories of the […]

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Podcast 16 January, 2024    By - Denis Ring
Podcast – Digital Desperados 7: The Cautionary Tale of Hacker Sabu and the Need for Robust Cybersecurity Solutions

Note: If you would like to listen to this podcast instead of reading the transcript, here are the links! Libsyn: https://sites.libsyn.com/488183/episode-7-sabu-hacktivist-informant-cybersecurity-advocate YouTube: https://youtu.be/XRF0TlBv0Ak Rumble: https://rumble.com/v426xon-episode-7-sabu-hacktivist-informant-cybersecurity-advocate.html Hey there, digital defenders and internet enthusiasts! Diving into the boundless ocean of the web can be a wild ride. There are thrills, chills, and, unfortunately, a fair share of […]

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Podcast 17 January, 2024    By - Denis Ring
Podcast 8: The Iceman

Jim Brangenberg: Hey, welcome to the Digital Desperados Podcast featuring Dark Tales from the Web. Patrick McMurphy is here today to tell us our dark tale. And it’s a good one. He’s joined by Brad Hawkins, founder and CEO of SaferNet VPN. And I’m Jim Brangenberg and I’ll serve as your story guide. This broadcast […]

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Podcast 18 January, 2024    By - Denis Ring
Podcast: Digital Desperados 9: Lazarus Group

Jim Brangenberg: Hey, welcome to the Digital Desperados Podcast featuring Dark Tales from the Web. Patrick McMurphy’s here today to tell us our dark tale. He’s joined by Brad Hawkins, founder and CEO of SaferNet VPN. I’m Jim Brangenberg and I’ll serve as your story guide. And of course, this podcast is brought to you […]

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Podcast 25 March, 2024    By - Denis Ring
Podcast 10: The Condor

Libsyn: https://sites.libsyn.com/488183/episode-10-condor-the-legendary-fugitive YouTube: https://youtu.be/1OszBihkyDs Rumble https://rumble.com/v47ehji-episode-10-condor-the-legendary-fugitive.html   Welcome to the cutting edge of cybersecurity conversation, where we untangle the complex web of digital protection, particularly when it comes to secure remote work. In an era where our offices extend beyond the four walls to the vastness of the internet, safeguarding our digital footprint isn’t just […]

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