Hacker Attacks Occur Every 39 Seconds, Affecting 1 In 3 Americans Every Year. The Map Above Shows A Live, Worldwide Attack Report. Without SaferNet, You Leave Yourself Exposed To Become A Part Of The Data
Do you know that SaferNet works by running your connection to the web through a Virtual Private Network? Our VPN was built with cyber security in mind and is encrypted using Open VPN and an AES-256 cipher; meaning attacks against your network are stopped. Not only this, but the data you transmit is obfuscated from prying eyes –including hackers, governments, or your own Internet Service Provider. By giving you visualization of your network activity on our dashboard, the only person able to see your activity is you.
Why is a VPN Necessary? A Virtual Private Network is required in today’s connected society because tools and methods to intercept your data have grown more sophisticated. Hackers, governments, and even your own Internet Service Provider have complete access to all your online activity, including transmission of sensitive passwords and identify details. Having this type of data in the wrong hands can lead to breached social media accounts, your job’s corporate system becoming exposed, compromised online bank accounts, and even identity theft.