How To Install SaferNet to MAC OS and Add Device

How To Install SaferNet to MAC OS and Add Device

        1. To download SaferNet to your MAC OS, first go to  in your preferred internet browser.

2. Next, click on the button that says “Download for Mac” or simply click this link…

3.This will download the SaferNet installation file to your MACOS.

4.Open SaferNet.Dmg file to begin the installation process.

5. Click on the “SaferNet” icon. A popup dialog box will appear, which states: ““SaferNet” is from an unidentified developer. Are you sure you want to open it?” Click on the “Open” button to proceed

6.Please enter your MacOS credentials, and click OK to start the installation process.

7.After Installation finishes, SaferNet will open.

8.Enter your SaferNet Username and Password.

9.A Device Setup menu will appear with all available profiles.

10.Choose the profile that you wish to be loaded onto this device.

11. Success! Congratulations, SaferNet is now monitoring, controlling and protecting your MAC OS!